
Friday, June 19, 2020

Free writing

My free writing

In the weekend we had our cousins over at our house. When we went to pick them up we got to see our aunty's new truck. It was silver and it had seven seats i n it as well. When we got back to our house we were playing outside and then we went to go get dinner. We had fish and chips. When we finished we watched movies and went to sleep. The next morning we had our left overs from dinner. Then after we got ready we went to the train station to have another breakfast with our cousins, while we were there we got to bring our Ipad and Nintendo. After we finished our breakfast Latiyah and I went to the shop to get some lollies. After that Latiyah had to walk home, when I got into the truck my dad and Pounamu were playing on the Nintendo, they were playing Mario kart. When they finished their game we went back to aunty Tash's house. When Latiyah was walking home we were watching while she was walking back to her house.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020



Tence. Action. Character. Object

Past. Kua haere ahau ki te kaukau
Wamua. I korero matou ki te kaiako

Present. Kei te takaro matou ki te Papa takaro
Watu. E mahi ana koutou te Kapa Haka

Future. Ka haere au ki te kainga

Today we learnt about T.A.C.O which means tence, action, character and object. We had to write about the past, present and future. I found this pretty easy and very fun. I liked how we all actually were quiet.