
Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Friday, August 30, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Our Matariki invite

On Wendsday the 19th we had to make our Matariki invites on canva and that was fun. 

When we looked at all the backgrounds Kahukura and I could not choose which background we wanted so we took like 20 minutes just to choose which background we wanted. 

But finally we choose. When we made ours they looked  same because we mostly copied each other. 

When we saw that some of the photos we saw this dollar sign at the bottom so we didn´t want to push that because we thought we had to pay for it but we pushed it and we got it and it didn´t cost.

When we showed Whaea sally she told us that if she printed it then it will be so so blury but Whaea found a solution to just put the same color as the background at the back of the words.

Nga Rau Puawai assembly

On Thursday it was NRP assembly and I was so scared to come up on stage and do the dance with Kahukura,Jojo,Kianni,Mahina and Te Aroha and I bet they were as scared as I was. On assembly I thought that someone was going to come and watch me. At the end I was laughing because we told the seniors that only they could pack away the chairs.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawakawa Hula girls

Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawakawa

Culture festival

On Thursday 31 we went to the culture festival. There were 3 schools,1 kohanga Te Mana Tamariki o Kawakawa and Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kakakawa. When we did the powhiri I was so shocked at how much schools there were. My Mum,Dad,Aunty,Uncle,Cousins and papa came to watch Quineil,Cooper and me. When Jacque performed I felt so scared. When I got on stage I got butterflies in my stomach. When were performing I didn´t get shy. When Te Rau Pou Manawa o Kawakawa performed I was so scared that my heart was beating fast as and when we sang the poi and the waiata-tira I lost my voice and I couldn´t sing properly.