
Friday, November 13, 2020

The importance of being a good friend

 The importance of being a good friend

We had to write about how to show the importance of being a good friend. Here is what I think showing a good friend looks like.
I kinda copied my brainstorm into my real story.
  1. Have each other back

  2. Stick up for them

  3. Treating them with respect

  4. Friends are like family


The importance of being a good friend to always have each other's back no matter what, never lie and always look after them. Do not turn your back on them. A good friend never gives up and never fights with you and treats with the respect you deserve. They will look after you like how they would if they were your family. Always be honest, humble and kind to each other. Always be there when they need you and always stay by their side.


The importance of being a good friend is to always stay by their side and have each other’s back no matter what happens. They will treat you like you are their family and  never give up on them. They will show you respect, responsibility and resilience. 


A good friend will never fight with you and they will always treat you with the respect you deserve. They will never lie to you, they will always tell you the truth. A good friend will always show kindness, loving and caring in them. They will help you through your rough times. They will never turn your back on them, they will show you that they really care about you. They will show you that you are adventurous and never give up on you. A good friend will never argue with you or talk about you.


As I was saying a good friend shows you that they are always there for you and always has your back. They will still be good friends even through the ups and downs. A good friend will always be there to turn to.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Rocket challenge

This is my Rocket challenge

Friday, August 21, 2020


 Tuhimahorahora is free writing and that is when we get to write about anything.
I am going to write about what we do when we are split up.
First in the morning we wait by our class to see if our teacher arrives. If she doesn't arrive before taumata we know that she is not coming to school. So then we line up to get ready to go to taumata but we still wear bags. After that we go down to the Marae to do taumata or we had to go to a teachers classroom to do taumata in there. When we finished taumata if we are in the Marae we stay there and a teacher will tell us what class we are split into. If we finished taumata and we did it in a class we wait for that teacher to tell us what class we are going to be split into. After we finished taumata we went to the class that we were split into and then we waited for our teacher to send us some work to do. When we finished all of our work we finish our work that we haven't done on the hand in sheet or we go on our class site to see if there is anything to do on there. When we're finished that we ask the teacher that we are split with to see if we can help or do anything since we were finished our work. When we do that we usually just talk to whoever is split with us and then we get bored so we just play games or listen to some music. After we finish all of that it should be morning tea. After we finished our lunch we talk until the bell rings so then we get to go play outside and we play touch. We play with our class some of room 5 and some of room 6. We keep playing until 15 minutes after the bell rings to see who wins. Then when a team wins or finished we go back to our class that we were split into and then we keep checking if we have anymore work to do. If we dont have work the boys in our class and some of the girls play this game that is called 1v1 lol it is just liked fortnite but then Whaea Toni x's them off. That is even when we are on youtube she x's us off on Hapara. Then we would probably just close our chromebook and talk some more until the bell rings for lunchtime. When the bell rings we eat our lunch if we have any but if we don't we hamu of other people like most of our class does and then we will wait until the bell rings so we can go play. When the bell rings we go and play touch or other people in our class go play handball. When the bell rings go back to the class we have got split into and repeat what we always do and then when it is almost the end of the day we clean the class and then put our bags on. Then the bell should have rang and then some people catch the bus, walk home or gets picked up. 

Friday, June 19, 2020

Free writing

My free writing

In the weekend we had our cousins over at our house. When we went to pick them up we got to see our aunty's new truck. It was silver and it had seven seats i n it as well. When we got back to our house we were playing outside and then we went to go get dinner. We had fish and chips. When we finished we watched movies and went to sleep. The next morning we had our left overs from dinner. Then after we got ready we went to the train station to have another breakfast with our cousins, while we were there we got to bring our Ipad and Nintendo. After we finished our breakfast Latiyah and I went to the shop to get some lollies. After that Latiyah had to walk home, when I got into the truck my dad and Pounamu were playing on the Nintendo, they were playing Mario kart. When they finished their game we went back to aunty Tash's house. When Latiyah was walking home we were watching while she was walking back to her house.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020



Tence. Action. Character. Object

Past. Kua haere ahau ki te kaukau
Wamua. I korero matou ki te kaiako

Present. Kei te takaro matou ki te Papa takaro
Watu. E mahi ana koutou te Kapa Haka

Future. Ka haere au ki te kainga

Today we learnt about T.A.C.O which means tence, action, character and object. We had to write about the past, present and future. I found this pretty easy and very fun. I liked how we all actually were quiet.

Monday, May 11, 2020


Today I did a poem about Waitangi beach using my 5 sences. My 5 sences are see, hear, smell, feel and taste. I learnt about using rich vocab in my poem. I found this interesting because at first I didn't even think of using rich vocab but I got help from my mum. So I thought I found this pretty interesting using rich vocab and my 5 sences. My next learning step is to try and do this by myself and to use more rich vocab.
This is my poem.......

Rongoa inquiry

Rongoa inquiry
Today I learnt about Maori medicine that is called Rongoa. We learnt about many different plant used in Rongoa medicine such as Harakeke, Kawakawa and Koromiko. I found this interesting to do because I got to learn about traditional Maori medicines to help other people. They would use this medicine by using karakia. My next learning step is to find more interesting things that the Maori people would of done and put it into my slide.
Here is my Rongoa inquiry..........

Book report

Book report
Today I learnt about the seven sisters and how the seven stars got up into the sky. I found this pretty easy and interesting because I learnt that the seven sisters had seven kites and that those seven kites are the seven Matariki stars. I think that my next learning step is to find more information and really understand what is happening. 
This is my book report.......

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


I know that Haumietiketike is the god of kai.
Haumietiketike has heaps of brothers and he lets us have food from the ground.
Haumiatiketike is 1 out of 70 children from Rangi and Papa.
Haumiatiketike makes Pteris aquilina, you can eat this raw or cooked (you eat the little korus, not the leaves).
In Hawaii people say that Haumiatiketike is female but Maori say that he/she is male.
Haumiatiketike grows uncultivated food.Haumia suffered the attack of Tawhirimatea and so he hid in the ground to escape.
When Tumatauenga also attacked his brothers, Haumia’s hiding place was discovered by his hair (leaves).
If Maori did not change Haumiatiketike to a male she wouldn't be in the family of Rangi and Papa.

Monday, May 4, 2020


When I went into a classroom earlier this week a child rushed up to tell me she was 8 that day.
Well, Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday today!
This challenge is about finding a variety of ways of asking questions which make a 8.
You might think of 6+2, or 22-14 or…
However, try to create examples that use all the different mathematical ideas that you know about.
Perhaps you could challenge yourself to find ways of making 8 that you think no one else will have thought of.

Here are my answers......

This was actually pretty easy and I thought I went well because I mostly just thought of it in my head and then did it. At first I thought I wasn't going to do any questions at all. But then I thought wrong this was actually fun to do. These bottom questions I just made up I didn't even know what I was adding up to. I think this maths was really enjoyable and really fun as well. Blog you later

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

List poem

Friday, February 21, 2020